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Spray foam machine

Foam cannon projecting the effect over 7 to 15 meters

Falling foam machine

Foam bath machine producing 70 to 180 m3 per minute

Accessories & consumables


Want to invest in a professional foam machine? We offer you different solutions adapted to the area and location of your service.

Falling foam production machines allow you to create playful activities that are particularly coveted in the spring / summer seasons.

< p>The foam projection machines will allow you to create an original and dynamic animation.


How to choose a professional foam machine?</ u>

Several possibilities are available to you, your need concerns foam services in small spaces and you must be mobile, we offer you a compact falling foam production machine with a automatic mixing system. A simple and effective solution.

You need a machine with high throughput and versatility, then prefer our machine with interchangeable head. This system will allow you to create falling foam production or foam projection effects while having the possibility of changing the effect according to your customers’ choice of service.

Whatever your needs, our professional foam machines will allow you to achieve powerful effects with a large flow. All our machines are made in France in aluminum and stainless steel screws for maximum durability.

The importance of the quality of the foam liquid used is not negligible since the formation and holding of the foam are related to the performance of the foam liquid. Just like our machines, our foam liquids will bring you satisfaction in terms of their effectiveness.

We should add that these are safe and comply with the standards in force.

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How much budget to buy a professional foam machine?

The budget to allocate to your foam machine depends on your needs and the size of the machine you will choose.

However, you will also have to take into account the durability of our products as well as their efficiency which considerably reduces their cost. Investing in reliable products of French quality will allow you to save money in just a few services.

Favoring solid and efficient French manufacturing will undoubtedly be a low investment cost.

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Why buy a professional foam machine?

Professional foam machines have been very successful for many years, and this, in multiple fields of activity.

This product is mainly used and appropriate for summer entertainment services. It is also requested by theaters, advertisers, artistic works and many others for visual representation.

It is therefore certain that foam production machines are a preferential asset for any type of event.


How to prepare a foam party?

As a professional, as you know, safety is paramount. This is why we would like to remind you of a few essential safety rules for the smooth running of a foam party.

In the case of the use of a falling foam production machine, identify any First the area where the machine will be installed, then define a diffusion surface using barriers and tarpaulins. This surface where the foam will accumulate must not contain unprotected electrical elements.

It is also advisable not to create an accumulation of foam more than 1.50 m for questions safety of the immersed public. You need to be able to see the people in the foam.

As for the foam projection machine, prefer an outdoor installation or in a sufficiently large indoor space. It is also important to protect all power supplies, even if the foam is projected, an accumulation of foam on the ground will be created.

We therefore advise against the introduction of glasses in the diffusion surfaces of foam for safety reasons.

A simple, but essential preparation for a successful foam party!


Why choose a professional foam machine from the manufacturer Premium FX?

All our products are made in France, in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region with selected, quality and reliable materials in time.

The bodies of our machines are made of aluminum and all the hardware is stainless steel, essential choices to keep the effect machines in good condition and always effective since several effects require contact with mixed products and water.

In this way, we avoid rust and we allow you to carry out services with clean and efficient equipment, an essential point for your brand image with your customers.

Our products are guaranteed for 3 years, they are designed to last over time, there is no therefore no planned obsolescence. Even after several years of use, we ensure the maintenance of your machines as well as the necessary repairs in the event of breakage at your request.

By purchasing your machine from Premium FX, you are buying a product designed and made in France, a reliable product, a local customer service, an efficient after-sales service.

Benefit from advice for the choice of your products and for their uses easily by email and by phone.</ p>